Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The First Transformational Mothering Gold Star Mom!

In my book, Transformational Mothering, I talk about wanting gold stars for my mothering efforts and recognizing that there just were not that many being given out. Mothers do not get enough recognition! So, I would like to use this blog to give out gold stars.

The very first Transformational Mothering Gold Star goes to...(drumroll please...) my friend Katie B.

Hooray! (wild applause)

Katie is the mother of a beautiful little boy named Richard who happens to have Type 1 Diabetes. Knowing how stressful it is to have a child hospitalized, I can only imagine the stress of caring for a child with an ongoing illness.

Katie is a beautiful and enthusiastic mother who is also brilliant and blessed with a magical voice. Little Richard made a very good choice when he looked down and chose Katie for his mother. Each day I watch Katie focus on the joys of motherhood rather than the trials. Each day I read her Facebook updates and they educate me about Type 1 Diabetes. Each day I am amazed by what we all accomplish as motherhood transforms us and redirects our lives.

Katie has created a beautiful, educational and inspiring video that I have linked to here. Just click on the title of this post and it will take you to it. After you watch please join me in congratulating Katie by leaving a comment on this post. And if you know a mother who has a child with Type 1 Diabetes why not give her a call and give her a "gold star" today?

P.S. If you know of a mother who deserves a Transformational Mothering Gold Star, tell me about her at!


  1. Wow that's so true, mothers definitely don't get enough recognition. Most mothers deserve a star, but definitely mothers who have kids with illness. We all know how worried we can be even when our child catches a cold, so I can only imagine how tough and strong you have to be, if you have a child with serious illness.

  2. Thanks so much, Amy. I'm really touched -- in fact, I burst into tears reading this today. So much of motherhood goes unsung and unappreciated, so when someone points out that you're doing well, it stays with you.

    God bless. I miss you.
